Mr.ZhaoAbout 11 min

  1. 使用pinia持久化存储用户配置

  2. router.push()会给路由最后添加,导致子路由回不到主路由,解决方法:router.push({ name: key });因为push({path:testPath}) 在跳到二级路由之后会默认在二级路由继续跳转地址,

  3. vue路由router从父页面跳转子页面,父页面隐藏:给子路由添加一个meta:showfather:false,给父路由添加:一个meta:showfather:true,然后在需要隐藏的div上添加:v-show="$route.meta.showFather"

  4. menu获取路由以配置当前高亮的menu-item,route.path.split('/')[1]

  5. 如何判断两个音乐文件相同(添加到音乐库时去重)

  6. Uncaught Error: [🍍]: "getActivePinia()" was called but there was no active Pinia. Are you trying to use a store before calling "app.use(pinia)"?

    // createWebDav.ts
    import { createClient } from 'webdav';
    import { useUserConfigStore } from '@/store/userConfig';
    const userConfigStore = useUserConfigStore();
    export const webDavClient = createClient(userConfigStore.webDavConfig.url, {
        username: userConfigStore.webDavConfig.username,
        password: userConfigStore.webDavConfig.password,
  7. vue3获取ref元素:




       <div ref='divDom'></div> 
    <script setup>
    import { ref} from 'vue'
    const divDom = ref(null);


       <div ref='getDivDom' v-for="item in list" :data-id=""></div> 
    <script setup>
    import { ref} from 'vue'
    const divDomList = ref([]);
    onMounted(() => console.log(getDivDom.value))
  8. 播放器组件的封装设计:

  9. 功能设计:

    • 播放/暂停功能:提供控制音乐播放和暂停的按钮。
    • 上一首/下一首功能:提供切换到上一首或下一首音乐的按钮。
    • 进度条控制:显示当前音乐播放进度,并允许用户拖动进度条来调整播放位置。
    • 音量控制:提供音量调节的按钮或滑块。
    • 播放模式切换:支持单曲循环、列表循环、随机播放等不同的播放模式。
    • 歌曲列表:展示当前播放列表,并支持点击选择不同的歌曲进行播放。
  10. 界面设计:

    • 播放器样式:设计一个美观且易于使用的播放器界面,可以包括专辑封面、歌曲信息、进度条、控制按钮等。
    • 自定义样式:提供一些可配置的样式选项,例如播放器颜色、控制按钮图标等,以便用户根据自己的需求进行定制。
  11. 接口设计:

    • 提供播放列表接口:允许用户通过接口传入歌曲列表数据,以便播放器能够加载和显示相应的歌曲列表。
    • 提供回调函数接口:在特定的事件发生时,例如歌曲切换、播放结束等,提供回调函数接口,以便用户可以自定义处理逻辑。
  12. 状态管理:

    • 播放状态:维护播放器的播放状态,例如当前播放状态(播放/暂停)、当前播放时间、当前音量等。
    • 歌曲信息:维护当前播放的歌曲信息,例如歌曲标题、歌手、专辑封面等。
    • 播放列表:维护当前播放的歌曲列表和当前选择的歌曲索引。
  13. 错误处理:

    • 处理加载失败:当音乐无法加载或播放时,提供错误提示或自动切换到下一首歌曲。
    • 异常处理:处理可能出现的异常情况,例如网络中断、音频格式不支持等。


// 在 loadAndPlayMusic 函数中
audioPlayer.value.src = url;
audioPlayer.value.currentTime = 0; // 重设播放位置;
isPlaying.value = true;


HTML5 audio 缓存处理:

使用scss:npm install -D sass


<template> <div v-show="$route.meta.showFather"> <div> <button @click="addMusic">添加音乐</button> </div> <div> <MusicList :list="musicMetadataList" /> </div> </div> <div> <router-view></router-view> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { useMusicLibraryStore } from '@/store/musicLibrary'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import MusicList from '@/components/MusicList.vue'; import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'; import { getMusicMetadata } from '@/utils/getMusicMetadata'; import { useUserConfigStore } from '@/store/userConfig'; import { createClient } from 'webdav';
const musicLibraryStore = useMusicLibraryStore();
const router = useRouter();
const userConfigStore = useUserConfigStore();
const musicMetadataList = ref([]);
const addMusic = () => {
onMounted(() => {
musicMetadataList.value = (item) => {
const fileContent = await createClient(userConfigStore.webDavConfig.url, {
username: userConfigStore.webDavConfig.username,
password: userConfigStore.webDavConfig.password,
const blob = new Blob([fileContent]);
const res = await getMusicMetadata(blob);
return res;

<style scoped></style>我返回的musicMEetadataList是一个promise对象,我该怎么获取到里面的tags数据






有 silencePromise,修复点击播放后快速点击暂停导致的错误:
“Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause().”;



动画库的使用: in new window

          a:hover {
            color: orchid;
            animation: pulse;
            animation-duration: 1.5s;

element plus中使用iconfont,封装icon组件,title展示






async () => {
  loading.value = true;
  try {
    await getDirectory('/');
  } catch (error) {
  } finally {
    loading.value = false;






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        "basename": "2002 - Anne-Marie.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:13 GMT",
        "size": 7540046,
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        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All Falls Down - Alan Walker、Noah Cyrus、Digital Farm Animals、Juliander.mp3",
        "basename": "All Falls Down - Alan Walker、Noah Cyrus、Digital Farm Animals、Juliander.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:14 GMT",
        "size": 8047167,
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        "etag": "1790f0f4f69010807aca3f",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All For Love - Tungevaag、Raaban、Richard Smitt.mp3",
        "basename": "All For Love - Tungevaag、Raaban、Richard Smitt.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:14 GMT",
        "size": 7289736,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f5089f7a406f3b88",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/0321 - space x.mp3",
        "basename": "0321 - space x.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:13 GMT",
        "size": 7886163,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4dd1c8fc0785553",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All 2 U - Manila Killa、Sara Skinner、Nicole Millar、Zac Poor、Stephen Rezza、Natalie Hawkins.mp3",
        "basename": "All 2 U - Manila Killa、Sara Skinner、Nicole Millar、Zac Poor、Stephen Rezza、Natalie Hawkins.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:15 GMT",
        "size": 10368085,
        "type": "file",
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        "basename": "2002 - Anne-Marie.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:13 GMT",
        "size": 7540046,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4d90ef6c0730d4e",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All Falls Down - Alan Walker、Noah Cyrus、Digital Farm Animals、Juliander.mp3",
        "basename": "All Falls Down - Alan Walker、Noah Cyrus、Digital Farm Animals、Juliander.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:14 GMT",
        "size": 8047167,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4f69010807aca3f",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All For Love - Tungevaag、Raaban、Richard Smitt.mp3",
        "basename": "All For Love - Tungevaag、Raaban、Richard Smitt.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:14 GMT",
        "size": 7289736,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f5089f7a406f3b88",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/0321 - space x.mp3",
        "basename": "0321 - space x.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:13 GMT",
        "size": 7886163,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4dd1c8fc0785553",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All 2 U - Manila Killa、Sara Skinner、Nicole Millar、Zac Poor、Stephen Rezza、Natalie Hawkins.mp3",
        "basename": "All 2 U - Manila Killa、Sara Skinner、Nicole Millar、Zac Poor、Stephen Rezza、Natalie Hawkins.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:15 GMT",
        "size": 10368085,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f544774d409e3455",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"


        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/2002 - Anne-Marie.mp3",
        "basename": "2002 - Anne-Marie.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:13 GMT",
        "size": 7540046,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4d90ef6c0730d4e",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All Falls Down - Alan Walker、Noah Cyrus、Digital Farm Animals、Juliander.mp3",
        "basename": "All Falls Down - Alan Walker、Noah Cyrus、Digital Farm Animals、Juliander.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:14 GMT",
        "size": 8047167,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4f69010807aca3f",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All For Love - Tungevaag、Raaban、Richard Smitt.mp3",
        "basename": "All For Love - Tungevaag、Raaban、Richard Smitt.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:14 GMT",
        "size": 7289736,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f5089f7a406f3b88",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/0321 - space x.mp3",
        "basename": "0321 - space x.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:13 GMT",
        "size": 7886163,
        "type": "file",
        "etag": "1790f0f4dd1c8fc0785553",
        "mime": "audio/mpeg"
        "filename": "/阿里云盘/005音乐/All 2 U - Manila Killa、Sara Skinner、Nicole Millar、Zac Poor、Stephen Rezza、Natalie Hawkins.mp3",
        "basename": "All 2 U - Manila Killa、Sara Skinner、Nicole Millar、Zac Poor、Stephen Rezza、Natalie Hawkins.mp3",
        "lastmod": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 04:33:15 GMT",
        "size": 10368085,
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"[ti:All Time Low]
[ar:Sam Tsui]
[al:All Time Low]
[00:00.00]All Time Low - Sam Tsui/Casey Breves/Kurt Hugo Schneider
[00:11.68]I was the knight in shining armour in your movie
[00:18.88]Would put your lips on mine and love the aftertaste
[00:22.51]Now I'm a ghost I call your name you look right through me
[00:29.64]You're the reason that I just can't concentrate
[00:32.89]And I I've been trying to fix my pride
[00:37.47]But that s**t's broken that s**t's broken
[00:43.66]Lie lie lie lie l lie I try to hide
[00:48.06]But now you know it
[00:51.26]That I'm at an all time
[00:54.23]Low low low low low low low low low
[00:56.75]Low low low low low low low low low
[00:59.37]Low low low low low low low low low
[01:02.02]Low low low low low low low low low
[01:04.68]Low low low low low low low low low
[01:07.34]Low low low low low low low low low
[01:10.03]Low low low low low low low low low
[01:12.69]Low low low low low low low low low
[01:15.74]I was the prototype like 3 stacks on that CD
[01:22.95]An example of the perfect candidate
[01:26.38]Now all your girlfriends say that you don't want to see me
[01:33.60]You're the reason that I just can't concentrate
[01:37.18]I I've been trying to fix my pride
[01:41.26]But that s**t's broken that s**t's broken
[01:44.15]That s**t's broken that s**t's broken
[01:47.22]Lie lie lie lie l lie I try to hide
[01:51.97]But now you know it
[01:55.39]That I'm at an all time
[01:58.34]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:00.74]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:03.40]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:06.06]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:08.74]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:11.37]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:14.04]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:16.72]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:19.63]I I've been trying to fix my pride
[02:23.79]But that s**t's broken that s**t's broken
[02:30.28]Lie lie lie lie l lie I try to hide
[02:34.80]But now you know it
[02:38.01]That I'm at an all time
[02:40.83]Low low low low low low low low
[02:42.95]Low low low low low low low low low
[02:45.48]Low low low low
[02:46.76]Low low low low low low low
[02:48.83]That I'm at an all time
[03:02.38]I'm at an all time
[03:04.88]Low low low low low low low low low
[03:07.39]Low low low low low low low low low
[03:10.06]Low low low low low low low low low
[03:12.73]I'm at an all time
[ti:All Time Low]
[ar:Sam Tsui]
[al:All Time Low]
[00:18.88]将你的嘴唇落在我的唇上 我爱上了那余味
[00:22.51]我呼唤你的名字时你我将看穿 我成了游荡的鬼魂
[00:37.47]而我的自尊已支离破碎 支离破碎
[00:54.23]很难过 难过 难过
[00:56.75]很难过 难过 难过
[00:59.37]很难过 难过 难过
[01:02.02]很难过 难过 难过
[01:04.68]很难过 难过 难过
[01:07.34]很难过 难过 难过
[01:10.03]很难过 难过 难过
[01:12.69]很难过 难过 难过
[01:58.34]很难过 难过 难过
[02:00.74]很难过 难过 难过
[02:03.40]很难过 难过 难过
[02:06.06]很难过 难过 难过
[02:08.74]很难过 难过 难过
[02:11.37]很难过 难过 难过
[02:14.04]很难过 难过 难过
[02:16.72]很难过 难过 难过
[02:23.79]而我的自尊已支离破碎 支离破碎
[02:40.83]很难过 难过 难过
[02:42.95]很难过 难过 难过
[02:45.48]很难过 难过 难过
[02:46.76]很难过 难过 难过
[03:04.88]很难过 难过 难过
[03:07.39]很难过 难过 难过
[03:10.06]很难过 难过 难过


